What is Cloud Security?

Cloud security is essentially a sub-discipline of cybersecurity that deals especially with the protection of cloud platforms. It helps in the protection of data in cloud infrastructure, applications, & platforms and their security. Having these systems safeguarded is a collaborative process between CSPs and their clients, regardless of whether the latter are particular users or SMEs and LEs.

Cloud providers sell their services that are hosted on their servers and accessed through continuous internet connection with customers being their key.

To sustain this trust, they incorporate security measures in cloud solutions to protect the clients’ information. Although, the clients also bear the responsibility of security in certain cases. Looking at the roles of a provider and client separately is critical to achieving optimum cloud security.

At its core, cloud security is composed of the following categories:

  • Data security
  • Governance (policies on threat prevention, detection, and mitigation)
  • Identity and access management (IAM)
  • Data retention (DR) and business continuity (BC) planning
  • Legal compliance

Cloud security may appear like legacy IT security, but this framework actually demands a different approach. Before diving deeper, let’s first look at what cloud security is.

What is cloud security?

Cloud security refers to all cybersecurity policies, best practices, controls, and technologies aimed at safeguarding applications, data, infrastructure in cloud environments from external and internal threats, managing access, ensuring data governance compliance and providing disaster recovery capabilities.

As businesses turn to cloud computing for agility and flexibility in meeting modern consumer expectations, securing dynamic cloud environments requires taking a novel approach in order to ensure data remains protected across infrastructures, applications, platforms and networks in the cloud.

Discover Google Cloud’s security model and how it tackles complex security challenges with innovative products and solutions.

why cloud security is important
How does cloud security work?

Cloud security entails the implementation of processes, policies and technologies in such a manner that they protect data as well as ensure regulatory compliance while controlling access, privacy and authenticating devices and users.

Cloud service providers  typically follow a shared responsibility system that divides cloud security responsibilities between you and them, meaning the implementation is both their duty as well as yours as a customer. Think of it as an accountability framework which outlines which tasks fall under each party’s sphere; understanding your provider’s security obligations from theirs is key for creating an effective security strategy for cloud computing environments.

Typically speaking, Cloud service providers are responsible for cloud services and their core infrastructure while users must secure anything running “in” the cloud – including data, applications, and identity management services. Shared responsibility models vary based on both your service provider and cloud computing model of choice. The more involved it is with managing that model, the higher its assurance levels can be.

Why is cloud security important?

As more businesses migrate their systems and processes to cloud environments, reevaluating security strategies becomes increasingly crucial as regulators monitor data governance and compliance.

With today’s multi cloud and hybrid environments, there are more opportunities than ever before to build the network you need whenever and wherever it makes sense for you. However, security becomes even more complex; many organizations tend to view security as a secondary concern while pushing ahead with digital transformation initiatives quickly; attackers recognize cloud targets as potential for significant gains by exploiting any vulnerabilities to gain advantage.

Cloud security does not offer 100% protection from security threats; however, when well planned and executed can provide sufficient assistance in stopping breaches, minimizing their damage impact, increasing compliance standards, and building stronger customer trust relationships.

Benefits of cloud security

Cloud security may seem like an impediment to adopting cloud technology; however, in truth it does not offer more or less protection than traditional security solutions. Cloud computing security provides many benefits to businesses which can boost overall protection for your organization.

Top cloud providers provide infrastructure that is built with security in mind, offering multiple layers of layered protection built directly into their platform and services ranging from zero-trust networks and access and identity management, multi-factor authentication encryption and constant monitoring and logging to zero trust networks and zero trust networks for increased protection. Cloud services allow users to optimize and handle security at the highest level.

Other common cloud security benefits include:

Greater visibility =It is clear that only the coherent security stack based on the cloud model can offer the unified view of the resources and data situated in the cloud environment, which is critical for protection against breaches and potential threats. Cloud security can offer the necessary instruments, methods, and approaches to log and monitor events and understand what is going on in the clouds.

Centralized security= Cloud security enables you to aggregate several protection of cloud networks to enable single and constant inspection and monitoring of a myriad of devices, ends, and systems. It also allows you to perform the controls of updates for software and policies from one center, and in addition to setting up disaster and recovery solutions.

Reduced costs =One of the advantages with cloud security is that it does not require one to invest in dedicated hardware to improve security or use important resources in tackling matters relating to security improvements and configurations. There are numerous security solutions offered by CSPs with many of them employing security solutions that do not require much intervention from human beings. 

Data protection = The best cloud computing providers will provide data security by design, offering strong access controls, encryption for data at rest and in transit, and data loss prevention (DLP) to secure your cloud data wherever it’s located or managed. 

Cloud compliance = Cloud providers go to great lengths to comply with both international and industry compliance standards, often undergoing rigorous independent verifications of their security, privacy, and compliance controls. 


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